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Masseria Narducci: ristorante agriturismo Puglia di sera


Treasures to savour

The authentic taste of Masseria Narducci is found in its products that reflect the region’s rich agricultural heritage: extra virgin olive oil, olive creams, preserves, fruit compotes and jams, honey, Narduccini, Treccie, and Foccacine biscuits, Taralli.

In Masseria Narducci, the interest in taste is expressed with a curious proposal of inimitable creams and condiments, ideal for enriching appetizers and giving a touch of creativity to dishes. Each product is made with extra virgin olive oil and Apulian raw materials without preservatives or dyes. We offer our guests only freshness, authenticity, and sensory balance.

Puglia is the queen of various dishes and typical products to be enjoyed throughout the day and at different times of the year. Desserts are an integral part of simple cooking since they require only a few ingredients such as; milk, eggs, sugar, and flour? From here, are born very tasty Focaccine, Narduccini and Trecce da latte biscuits.

Following the taste pathway inspires us. This is why we offer our guests jams, marmalades, and compotes made with top-quality fruit, grown without the use of pesticides or fertilizers. The selected products are the result of a careful selection that gives consumers a guarantee of authenticity and well-being.

Those who decide to visit or stay in the Masseria, cannot resist the typical Apulian speciality- Taralli. They can be enjoyed as a snack to break hunger or accompanied by cold cuts during the aperitif time. Perfect golden-brown colour due to the cooking is the guarantee of their absolute best taste.

The passion for the peasant tradition has led Masseria Narducci to produce and select typical vegetables of the southeast of Bari such as aubergines, artichokes, sun-dried tomatoes, and Lampascioni (a sort of small onions) in olive oil. Serving not only as an appetizer but also as a second course. All products are blended with an excellent extra virgin olive oil (of Apulian origin): offering an intensive and genuine taste to all our guests.

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